



Roses delivery in Israel

bouquets with roses

11 red roses in basket

11 red roses in basket


Basket Flowers Red Roses  Delivery in IsraelBeautiful blooming red roses in basket with some ki..

Five roses front bouquet

Five roses front bouquet



Flowers in box with Ferrero Rocher

Flowers in box with Ferrero Rocher


That Arrangement in flowers box with florictic floral foam with waterRed Roses and white flowers&nbs..

Mix Flowers bouquet

Mix Flowers bouquet


Blanka Mix Bouquet..

Red roses and White Lisiantus (austoma)in Box 6

Red roses and White Lisiantus (austoma)in Box 6


Red roses and White Lisiantus in Box ..

Pink Roses

Pink Roses


Pink Roses 11..

Red Roses bouquet

Red Roses bouquet


Red Roses bouquet..

Roses and austoma  Mix in Basket 5

Roses and austoma Mix in Basket 5


Roses Mix in Basket ..

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)

Work Hour and contacts

Blanka flowers

Address : Shderot Hen 7 Herzliya

Work Hours 

from Sunday to Thursday : 9:30 - 20:00

Friday 9:00-15:00

WhatsApp +972548117464

Tel. +97299514940