



Flowers delivery in Israel

Red roses and White Lisiantus (austoma)in Box 6

Red roses and White Lisiantus (austoma)in Box 6


Red roses and White Lisiantus in Box ..

romantic day

romantic day



Sunflowers bouquet

Sunflowers bouquet


Bouquet with sunflowers, Orange Lilies and Orange Chrysanthemum..

VIP Flowers in a box 1

VIP Flowers in a box 1



White and Purple Flowers in Arrangement

White and Purple Flowers in Arrangement


Arrangement white and purple flowersArrangement in flowers foam from White flowers Gladiolus, Snow W..

White Bouquet Lilies And lisianthus

White Bouquet Lilies And lisianthus


White Bouquet White Lilies And Lisiantus, Flowers shop in Herzliya..

White Flowers Box

White Flowers Box


White Flowers Roses And Eustome in Flowers Box..

Wildflowers bouquet

Wildflowers bouquet


Wildflowers bouquet delivery in IsraelNice bouquet with white hrizantemes margaritas, pink gerberas,..

Wildflowers in box

Wildflowers in box


Wildflowers in floral box..

Pink Roses

Pink Roses


Pink Roses 11..

Red Roses bouquet

Red Roses bouquet


Red Roses bouquet..

Basket flowers 9

Basket flowers 9


Basket flowers..

Roses and austoma  Mix in Basket 5

Roses and austoma Mix in Basket 5


Roses Mix in Basket ..

white duet

white duet


White bouquet of roses and eustoma with chocolate and white heart ballon..

Showing 16 to 29 of 29 (2 Pages)

Work Hour and contacts

Blanka flowers

Address : Shderot Hen 7 Herzliya

Work Hours 

from Sunday to Thursday : 9:30 - 20:00

Friday 9:00-15:00

WhatsApp +972548117464

Tel. +97299514940